Music Therapy helps with physical, psychological and emotional needs. It is particularly valuable to anyone who has lost the ability to speak or has had their speech impaired.

Our state registered therapists are part of a national network of music therapists specialising in techniques specific to neuro-disability. They offer small group or individual sessions using the wide range of instruments and equipment that are available in our well-equipped specialist music studio.

Music Therapy at Headway House

What is Music Therapy?
Music therapy is an evidence-based health care profession which uses the unique qualities of music within a therapeutic relationship to help improve physical, psychological, cognitive and social functioning.

Music is processed in many different areas of the brain, which makes it an excellent tool for helping people living with neuro-disability.

No special musical skill or previous training is necessary to take part in music therapy.

Who are Music Therapists?
Music therapists are skilled professionals who hold a Master’s level qualification in music therapy. They are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), the regulating body which ensures that all health care professionals meet their high standards for training, professional skills, behaviour and health. Music therapists are also members of the British Association of Music Therapists (BAMT).

Our music therapist at Herefordshire Headway belongs to a national network of therapists specialising in neuro-disability who meet regularly to share their professional knowledge. She can offer individual or small group sessions in a well-equipped music therapy room.

A Music Therapy Session:

After an initial assessment the music therapist will work with you to design a programme, which aims to achieve particular goals. These may be:

  • Providing a non-verbal means of communication and self-expression.
  • Alleviating feelings of anxiety or depression.
  • Developing cognitive skills such as attention, concentration or memory.
  • Working at a particular physical skill such as co-ordination.
  • Facilitating social interaction.
  • Encouraging creativity and spontaneity.
  • Increasing confidence and self-esteem

Client comment:

“I always feel better after music therapy. For some reason it seems to put me in a better frame of mind.”