If you or someone you know needs help with energy bills or managing fuel debt, there is currently funding available to support Herefordshire households.

Severn Wye Energy Agency – Keep Herefordshire Warm

Severn Wye provides free local home energy advice to households in Herefordshire. They give free energy advice to help you stay warm and healthy in your home by helping you reduce your energy bills, switch energy tariff or supplier, or access grants to support your energy needs. They also may be able to provide free home energy visits from one of their energy advocates to help you understand your energy more deeply.

For more information or to get in contact, visit the Keep Herefordshire Warm website
or call 0800 677 1432 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm), or ask your Herefordshire Headway keyworker, community worker or member of staff to help you.

Emergency and Fuel Poverty Funds

Both Severn Wye Energy Agency and Herefordshire Community Foundation have emergency funds that provide financial support to those struggling to meet their energy costs. Grants are capped at a maximum of £500 per household.

If you are struggling to meet your energy costs speak to your Herefordshire Headway key worker, community worker or member of staff who may be able to make an application to one of these funds on your behalf.


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