Welcome to Herefordshire Headway. We are a Herefordshire based charity providing services to adults (18+) who have a head injury or an acquired brain injury.

Acquired brain injury (ABI) is the term used for all injuries to a brain sustained since birth, there are many different causes of brain injury and its effects are complex and wide ranging. These can include stroke, accidents, assaults, tumours, brain haemorrhages, encephalitis and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Headway House Wellbeing Centre in Credenhill is a safe supportive environment which enables individuals affected by an acquired brain injury (ABI) to have fun whilst maintaining or re-learning skills to enable them to live independently. The service is supported by two Registered Nurses who provide clinical support enabling the service to support individuals who have complex problems, for example, epilepsy or those who have long term health conditions such as diabetes.
Service users spend time with other people who have had an ABI, forming a support group for each other and new members. We aim to support people to achieve their goals and by so doing feel more confident about living with the ongoing effects of an ABI.
We work in partnership with our service users to undertake an initial holistic strength-based assessment that covers physical health, emotional/mental health, effects of their ABI and their social circumstances. We also offer an assessment and service to support carers thus preventing placement breakdown. All service users then have care plans, developed to mitigate the effects of their ABI.
New service users can choose the sessions they want to try and then come for full or half days or just for specific activity sessions. There is an initial assessment period which we use to ensure that we provide a package of activities and support tailored to each individual.
Our main aim is to provide support and rehabilitation to members through the centre, outreach and online services. We recognise that a head or brain injury can affect the whole family and we offer specific support services for carers and family members. If you or someone you know would benefit from our services, please contact us.

We provide therapies, rehabilitation and reablement, advocacy, carer and family support alongside our wellbeing day services, a comfortable social setting, where individuals living with an ABI can meet people and make new friends.